Monday, September 13, 2010

Steelers 15, Falcons 9


I feel that way for a number of reasons. Primarily, I feel that way because the magic number really is 2. If this team can get Ben back with at least a 2-2 record, we will be in prime position to make a playoff run. Looking at the schedule last week, it seemed realistic. Tampa should be a win. Beyond that, you have to think that this team could go 1-2 with 2 home games, even though it would be against good competition. To get that first win under the belt, 1-2 looks very doable.

Beyond that, though, I saw a lot of things to be happy about.

But first, let's hit the few things that were not good. Primarily, D-squared looked a little shaky. Amongst Jim Mora Jr's ramblings about the bravery of Matt Ryan, he made some very apt comments about Dixon's (un)willingness to turn his arm loose. He short-armed at 3, if not 4, sure-thing third down passes. He had open receivers, and all he had to do was toss it just a little bit harder, and the drives would continue. So, that was a little disappointing. I also thought that the interior line didn't get as much push on the Falcons' line as I would have liked. Pouncey can move guys, but there just wasn't the running room inside that I would have liked.

But a large part of that is confidence, and I think Dixon will get there. The throw to Mike Wallace was picture perfect, and it wouldn't surprise me if we see that 2-3 times next game.

But that's all the bad I saw.

What did I like? Well, the o-line did not take many penalties, despite a lot of blitzes from Atlanta (or a lot of formations with Atlanta showing blitz). And that hole for Mendy in OT? A thing of beauty. He got a hole like that one other time, in the first quarter, and Atlanta's SS stepped up and wrapped up Mendy's legs. He has 4.3 speed, and if he can get 2 of those a game, he'll break one, guaranteed.

Hines looks like Hines always does. For someone so slow, he sure seems to have a lot of time before anyone gets to him after a catch. Mike looked good on his two catches (he needs the ball more). Cousin Heath is Cousin Heath.

And the defense. Jesus. I wish I had something constructive to say, but they were simply awesome. The line was rock solid (especially while The Snack was in the game). Harrison and Woodley were as good as ever. Ike was getting his head around on every play, and looks like the CB we all know he can be (although, I'll eat my hat if he actually catches more than one a season). B-Mac was on Roddy White all day long. The result? Matt Ryan threw to Roddy White 23 times, and only completed 13. And for only 111 yards. FYI - that's a 69.3 rating throwing to your #1 target. Not how that's supposed to go, and a lot of that was thanks to McFadden. And lest we forget, Troy's back. Remember all of those late-game collapses last year? Yeah, that's not happening any more.

But let's not forget the real star of the day. Lawrence Timmons. He was everywhere. He was rushing up the middle, he was filling holes, he was making plays in coverage. He has safety speed, and linebacker size. And he's starting to play with a discipline we have not yet seen. So, watch out world, Lawrence Timmons might be the best linebacker on this team, and with Woodley, Farrior and Harrison out there, that means a lot.

So, what should you take away from this game? This team can win 3 games with Dennis Dixon. But more importantly, I want everyone to remember that Ben Roethlisberger (at least as of Week 4 of the pre-season) was in the best shape of his career, and playing as well as he ever has. If he means what he says - that he's newly committed to being a good teammate, a hard-worker, and a decent member of society - and comes back in Week 5 in great shape, and with a focus we have not seen during his young but illustrious career, I'll be damned if you can find a better team in this league.

But until then, I'm just hoping we can find one win in the next 3. Anything more than that will just be gravy.

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