Friday, September 11, 2009

It's Football Season, And We Haven't Posted in WEEKS

So, I don't really have much to say at the moment. The official OpShutdown NFL preview (complete with projected standings, that actually add up) will be up sometime tomorrow.

In the meantime, I wanted to make very clear what Operation Shutdown's position on Ben Roethlisberger was. I just read something off of, which I assume is where everyone who votes on the polls goes to be published. The author is a douchebag Patriots fan, and I think that we can all agree that douchebag Bostonians are the worst. They have a major victim complex because they come from a cold, boring, segregated town which boasts Sam Adams beer, Harvard, and not much else. Some Bostonians can be quite pleasant, but only the educated ones, which seems to be rare, although you would think a town with such great educational institutions could keep some people in-house.

Clearly, people who go to Harvard (or BU or BC or even Northeastern) are smart enough to jump fucking ship at their first opportunity.

New York is way better than Boston and everyone knows it.

So, that, I believe is the root of why Bostonians feel so victimized. But the fact of the matter is this: the Pats are the most expensive ticket in the NFL, the BoSox spend in the same range as the Yankees, and the Celtics just bought an NBA championship.

So, really, victimization is not something which Bostonians can pull off well.

Anyhow, this twat in his navy-blue "B" cap and shaved head wrote an "article" stating that Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger is the most overrated player in the NFL. I read this, and rolled my eyes as I usually do whenever I hear such nonesense, and continued on with my day.

But, since nothing has gone up, I decided it was a good time for me to speak on behalf of the Op, and make quite clear our position on Ben Roethlisberger.

Ben Roethlisberger is the best winner in the NFL. People hate to hear that, and yes, the defense is fucking sick, but our man Ben is the one WHO WINS FOOTBALL GAMES here in Pittsburgh.

That's all that matters.

And that's what it will say on his hall of fame plaque 15 years from now.

And, if Pat happens to read this, I would like the chicken parm hoagie on white, and a bag of baked lays.

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