Monday, November 23, 2009

You've Gotta Be Fucking Kidding Me...


There's no recap for this week. I don't want to talk about it - I just want to forget about it. So, let's just look forward. Where do things stand?

Well, we are technically the 7th seed at this very moment, but are in a 3-way tie for 5th. Ben has a concussion. Chaz Batch is out 6 weeks, and Troy is out a month. That's the bad news.

The good news is that our remaining schedule isn't that tough. We are technically in a tie for 5th, but we're tied with Jacksonville and Denver. Denver is really headed the wrong direction fast, and Jacksonville's remaining schedule includes the 49ers on the road, Houston, Miami, Indy and the Pats. I don't like Jacksonville to win any of those. Oh, and the Bengals lost, keeping us faintly in the division hunt.

So, maybe we see Dennis Dixon next week? That would definitely make things interesting. Would also be interesting to see if we don't run the ball a little for once.

So, I'm going to do what I always do when I'm too depressed about the Steelers - I find other things to entertain me. And you?

Nena - 99 Luftballons

Chris | MySpace Video

Journey - Separate Ways

Big D | MySpace Video

Oh, and one other thing. Is it just me that the latest "effort" by the Black Eyed Peas sounds to have been written by a 5 year old? I agree, I listen to too much pop radio, but no one should be subjected to that.

And Madonna wrote a song about people being obsessed with her? Jesus, lady, you aren't that great. "Disease" is actually the word I would most associate with your visage.

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