Friday, August 7, 2009

The End of the Week Randomness Extravaganza!

The News (with Links)

Prince Fielder got all rowdy post-game after Guillermo Mota hit him with a pitch "obviously" in retalliation for Milwaukee hitting Man-Ram with a pitch earlier in the game. That being said, it's kinda hard to try and hit Prince Fielder with a pitch and miss. It's kind of like throwing a baseball into the ocean from the beach is all I'm saying.

Shaq. Pink Speedo. Possibilty. Come on Misty-May Treanor and Kerri Walsh.

Of course, I would gladly pay Eli Manning to be one of the three highest players in the league. But then again, I'm not a Giants fan.

J.R. Smith tweeted and created a controversy. Antonio Cromartie tweeted and got fined. Broncos coach Josh McDaniel has no idea what twitter is. Or what a franchise QB is.

Isiah Thomas may be a lunatic who may or may not be sexually inappropriate around women, may or may not be suicidal, is without a doubt an awful NBA GM, and is more than willing to throw his own kin under the bus, but bringing a Top 10 (8 ESPN, 23 Rivals) Basketball recruit to Florida International University? Yes sir.

What's Alexander Ovechkin's secret to success other than being horribly ugly, well, pre and post game love making of course.

The Links (with Links)

Frequent Guest on Dameshek, "The Ed's" Website. Please do yourself a favor and listen to the songs section, especially "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer" and "Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (Dick Banks Remix)"

Nice Statistical Analysis of NFL Madden Curse.

Top 10 Minor League Promotions of the Year.

Random YouTube (and other videos) of the Week

Hughes Montage
In honor of the late John Hughes, here's a montage of John Hughes scenes to the tune of Baba O'Reilly

"Vinnie Jones Attack Cardio"
An alternative way to work out...

Fantasy Camp with Jimmy Rollins and Ryan Howard
We still hate the Fucking Phillies, but when you're World Series Champs, you get all the sweet gigs.

D.J. Porter featuring Vince for Slam Chop
A Remix.

In Honor of the 3,456 Seals Who Gave their Lives in the Name of Shark Week...
... is a baby seal in a swimming pool.

Your YouTube Hall of Fame Nominee of the Week: Carl Monday!
Carl Monday, Cleveland's Investigative Reporter

That problem of people pleasuring themselves in the public library... Ohio State fans.

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