Monday, August 3, 2009

Tark the Shark

"Tark the Shark", or Jerry Tarkanian if you're into calling people by their Christian name, was the rebel in the college basketball coaching community in the 1980's and 1990's who is shockingly still alive. Tarkanian won an NCAA Men's Basketball Title in 1990 with the UNLV Runnin' Rebels.

Aside from winning a title, Tark the Shark is best known for two things.

First is the fucking towel he was always chewing on. Why he did this is a mystery. Towel's generally do not carry with them a pleasant taste, especially if they are sweaty. Unless Tark the Shark was sprinkling Old Bay Seasoning or the powder they put on Sour Patch kids, it's downright nasty. But alas, it was Tark the Shark's trademark.

Second, was that Tark the Shark was a fucking constant thorn in the side of the NCAA. Tark the Shark (the precursor to Bob Huggins) had a reputation for taking on even the most troubled of players. Greg Anthony, Grandmama and The Plastic Man were some of his players during his Runnin' Rebels days. During his tenure at UNLV, Tark the Shark was criticized for UNLV's close relation to known gambler with alleged Mafia ties Richard Perry. In the late 1960's while at Long Beach State, Tark the Shark pissed off the NCAA community by starting three black players at a time, which was considered a fucking no-no (way to be progressive NCAA). Tark the Shark was involved with a dispute with the NCAA over Due Process in the 1970's which led all the way to the Supreme Court.

Tark the Shark was a colorful dude whose ultimate contributions to College Basketball will be debated for a long time.

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