Friday, August 14, 2009

The End of the Week Randomness Extravaganza!

The News (With Links)

Fun week for the Flyin' Hawaiian, first he gets tossed out, and then he gets tossed on (by a douchebag, try really hard and you can pinpoint the douchebag in this picture).

Michael Vick signed with someone, blah blah blah, here's an adorable picture of a squirrel.

Rick Pitino remains classy, makes women of Emily's List swoon.

They make athletic support cups for a reason. When baseballs are rocketing at you at high speeds, the athletic support cup protects your prized possession of your body from getting hit with these high speed baseballs, Adrian Beltre, you should heed this advice.

Listen, undergrad is fantastic. Undergrad as a college football player is super fantastic. Your athletic department giving you a blog to blog about your fantastic life, well that's dangerous. Do you expect them to blog about Organic Chemistry, making hamburgers on their George Foreman Grill or spending long hours in the library? Of course. Do you expect them to blog about sexual liaisons. Of course not! Wait. Reverse that.

From the "Where Are They Now Department: Lawrence Phillips Edition", Lawrence Phillips, currently serving up to 10 years in prison for deliberately hitting three teenagers with his car, was convicted this week of assault (and other felonies) for a 2005 attack on his girlfriend for which he could serve up to 25 years, which will effectively give him more years in prison than NFL touchdowns.

Should I watch that new episode of T.O.'s reality show, or wait until 4:30 am to watch that rerun of "The Fresh Prince of Bel Aire." Yeah, I'm going with Carlton and Uncle Phil too.

Underwhelmed by is 19 hits in 80 games with the Blackhawks this season, Patty Kane channeled his inner-Bob Probert and went all Tony Twist on a Buffalo cabbie upping his hit total on the season to about 24.

In stay away from Vicente Padilla news, USA soccer hunk and little person icon Landon Donovan allegedly got vomit thrown on him after the US lost to Mexico in a qualifying match in Mexico City and proceeded to catch the good ole H1N1 virus.

Madden 2010 came out last night at midnight, so if you wanted to drive by and throw mustard at the nerds waiting in line at midnight to buy the game, well you missed your opportunity.

The Links (With Links)

Fantasy Football Season Points Leader Quiz

The Worst Madden 2010 Players

Your Random YouTube (and other) Videos of The Week

Jones' Good Ass BBQ & Foot Massage
... Nuff Said.

World's Greatest Father?
No fucking question.

Quite Possibly the Most Terrifying Thing Ever...
... Courtesy of Japan of course. I hate Clowns.

Rubber Ducky, Reggae, Herbrew, Sesame Street

Your YouTube Hall of Fame Nominee of the Week

Worst Music Video Ever...
... by the people who brought you Ikea, Abba and Universal Healthcare.

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