Thursday, June 11, 2009

How Dare You Riley!, Zach Morris Was Part Native American?, and Other Random Thoughts...

I will throw the first brick at my colleague Mr. Riley, who thus far I believe has done an excellent job. I have to lodge a formal retort to a point Mr. Riley made in his last post.

A solid 90% of Mr. Riley's post is fantastic. But at one point, he takes a horrible turn into journalistic filth that would make Dan LeBatard envious. In his blatant hatred for almost anything Detroit (he spares Andy Van Slyke, who's most notable comparable players according to include Von Hayes, Brian Jordan and the incomparable Kevin McReynolds. Just putting that out there) he forgets that even in a decrepit city like Detroit, there are some success stories. See, Bettis, Jerome; Gaye, Marvin and Bell, Kristen. Mr. Ruben likey Kristen Bell.

Throwing Jalen Rose under the bus is a blatant example of his LeBatardian filth. Jalen Rose was the X-Factor on the most entertaining college basketball teams of the last 20 years. Aside from C-Webb, Rose had the most effective NBA career of the Fab-Five. Rose was consistently rated one of the snazziest dressers in the NBA. Finally, Rose has offered up some of the wittiest, and most unique insight into the NBA:

"It must have been two in the morning when we got to Detroit, 'cause
nothing was open but hospitals, jails, and legs."

"I put together our roster on "NBA Live" and we're pretty good."On
explaining his surprise over the Knicks' horrible 23-59 record

"I've got to stop this. My entourages are getting entourages."On the trouble
finding tickets for everyone when he returns to Detroit

"I'm a GM in fantasy basketball and I'm a GM on PlayStation, so on PlayStation I
probably would have got a little more, but this is real life, so I don’t
know."On the Vince Carter trade.

Classic. Props to you Jalen.

Other Random Thoughts...

I awoke this morning to the pleasant image of Bayside High. Apparently, TBS still runs two hours of Saved By The Bell each morning. I love Saved By The Bell as much as the next person (but not as much as our buddy Rajul) but sometimes the story lines are just too fucking ridiculous. As an example of such ridiculousness, most people will cite episodes such as: the one where Jessie takes too many caffeine pills; the one where suddenly they find oil reserves on the Bayside campus; or even the one where Lisa is suddenly allergic to Screech. The episode on this morning was a forgotten gem: the one where Zach Morris finds out that he is part Native American. Um.... What? I can accept that Zach can pass as Jewish at a Dodger game and that he can freeze time whenever he wants to move the narrative along, but believing that Zach Morris is a Native American? Come on, that's a leap of faith I'm not willing to make. People can bitch about the Redskins and Blackhawks having those names but they don't care that Zach Morris is making a mockery of their proud heritage? In the words of our buddy Joe, "THAT IS OUTRAGEOUS SIR."

Tim Donaghy, disgraced NBA Ref and current slave of some large dude in prison, got his knees beat down in prison with a paint rolling stick. I followed every season of Oz and I feel like they've showed every horrible way one can be attacked with a weapon in prison, but even Oz couldn't think up a paint rolling stick. Aren't these things like a glorified coat hanger with some soft fuzz at the end? Wrap a roll of butt paper around a coat hanger and try to tear someone's knee, see if you can.

Omelet Stations. Why aren't there more of these wonderful oasis's? Who doesn't like an omelet station? I feel like there's a way we can work these more into our every day lives.

Nik Lidstrom suffered a "nearly catastrophic" injury to his testicle during the Conference Finals? As much as I despise the team you play for Nik, I don't wish a testicle injury on anyone. I'm still trying to get over Chris Snyder's fractured testicle. Get better soon Nik, but keep playing sluggish through Friday night.

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