Monday, June 8, 2009

Why Do We Care About John Kate Eight?

I really didn't know who John and Kate were and why they were plus eight three weeks ago. I still wish I didn't. I thought they were supposed to be on "I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here", but sadly this is not true. I'm told they've been on something like nine straight Us Weekly Covers. If this is the magazine that has the section on "Stars, They're Just Like Us", then I approve of Us Weekly. The answer to the question is a definitive "yes", I want to see that Jake Gyllenhaal takes his trash out just like me. That's a very informative and interesting section.

My extensive research of John and Kate Eight on Google has informed me that John and Kate are plus eight kids and they have a show on the TLC. I guess this makes sense as the TLC only seems to have shows for people who have fetishes forsuch things as "little people" (is that the preferred nomenclature?), fidelity treatments, really obese people, and conjoinment. Because I don't have a fetish for any of these, and I am especially frightened by conjoinment, I do not watch the TLC often.

These days whatever John and Kate and Eight do is a major news story for reasons I will never truly understand. I think they both cheated on each other with Colin Farrell or something. What Would Tyler Durden Do seems to believe that Kate is an insufferable bitch. Judging by her haircut, i'm inclined to agree.

Therefore, Operation Shutdown will endorse John. So there you go John, we're on your side.

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