Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mission Statement: This is Going to be Nothing Like Twitter.

Who are we and what is this?

We're Mr. Riley and Mr. Ruben, two young law professionals living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania who seem to share interests in sports, movies, sophomoric humor, popular culture and the sounds of their own voices. For some reason, Mr. Riley and Mr. Ruben seem to believe that people want to not only read their musings, but to download, and listen to said musings over the internets. Therefore, Mr. Riley and Mr. Ruben downloaded software, took some time and decided to have their own podcast. It's definitely a work in progress with plenty of time and room to go.

Initially, Mr. Riley and Mr. Ruben plan to have about one pod cast a week, even if only our parents decide to listen. Mr. Riley and Mr. Ruben will employ the use of this blog not to give you boring, mundane updates of their everyday lives, but to comment on sports, movies and news when it should be appropriate. Also, we hope to be able to provide access to our podcast, be it via iTunes or whatever media through this blog.

While we'll have some fun with the blog, the main goal is for our weekly podcast. It's ambitious, but we think it could work. We're also planning on getting our friends involved with the podcast, especially if the topics touch on an area of expertise.

We're simply out to have a good time, provide some insight and hopefully get you to share a laugh or too. If not, then you can go fuck yourself. By the way, this blog and podcast are for mature audiences only, as well as those with a sense of humor. Indulge at your own risk.


Riley and Ruben

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