Monday, June 29, 2009

Your Random Mid 80's to Late 90's Baseball Player of the Day: Jose Lind!

Your Random Mid 80's to Early 90's Baseball Player of the Day is Jose Lind.

Jose Lind played Second Base for the Pittsburgh Pirates, Kansas City Royals and California Angels over a career that spanned nine glorious seasons. Always known as a free spirit, Jose Lind was known as "Chico" to his family, friends, law enforcement personnel and his fans, whether he was wearing pants or not.

The highlight of Chico Lind's career was no doubt 1987-1992, his time with the Pittsburgh Pirates. An enduring figure to the Pittsburgh faithful, Chico Lind played Second Base better than anyone in a Pirates uniform since Maz. Accordingly, Chico Lind was the first Pirate since Maz to win a Gold Glove at Second Base.

During this time, Chico Lind was known as clubhouse prankster. Chico's prank of choice? It wasn't the good old pie to the face or the ben-gay in the jock strap. It wasn't even urinating on teammates in the shower like some people. Chico Lind's go to prank was brandishing knives in the clubhouse at other players, albeit in a playful way wearing a yellow "Huggable" t-shirt like Landon on the Real World Philadelphia.

In his younger days, Chico Lind was such a playful dude that he threw his batting gloves to our buddy Vince. Tragically, the treasured relic of Chico Lind was stolen from Vince by his buddy Adam. In honor of Vince, here's a big FUCK YOU ADAM.

Chico Lind's much beloved stay in Pittsburgh more or less ended in Bill Buckner like fashion during the 1992 NLCS with the Atlanta Braves. While most people remember Sid Bream hobbling in from second on a hit by a third string catcher beating out a Johnny Damon like throw from Barry Bonds, few remember that all of that would be for naught had Chico Lind just put his glove on the dirt and fielded a routine ground ball a few plays earlier. That would be the last winning season the Pirates would ever have.

Following that debacle, Chico Lind ended up on the Kansas City Royals. Chico Lind never embraced Kansas City like he did Pittsburgh ans struggled to find acceptance. Chico Lind found acceptance in the form of cocaine. And after all, can you blame him? He was playing on a team with Felix Jose, Mike McFarlane, Kevin McReynolds and Greg Gagne. Exactly.

After leaving Pittsburgh, Chico Lind found himself in continuous legal troubles with drugs and lack of pants. While still with Kansas City, Chico Lind went awol from the Royals was arrested for domestic violence, which is not funny by any stretch of the imagination. Shame on you Chico Lind. What is funny, hilariously so however, is that in 1997 Chico Lind was arrested in Tampa for fleeing the scene of an accident. Not real funny. Police found 7 cans of beer and a gram of cocaine. A little bit funnier. When police stopped Chico Lind, he was wearing no pants. Pretty fucking funny. He was wearing no underpants either. Fucking hilarious. As a result, Chico Lind had to serve a year in prison. Sad.

More recently, Chico Lind has desperately sought redemption. In 2006 he had a short stint as a minor league manager. Like many people, Chico Lind is trying to find his way on the winding road we call life.

So here's to you Jose "Chico" Lind, Your Random Mid 80's to Early 90's Baseball Player of the day, if you ever need a pair of pants, we'd be happy to give you ours.

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