Sunday, June 7, 2009

Well, That Pretty Much Sucked, Didn't It?

Pens Dominated, Lose 5-0

Whatever momentum the Pens had after Game 4 was short lived. I guess a 5-0 beat down at the hands of the Elitserien All-Stars will do that to you. The Pens sure picked the right time to lay a giant goose egg. We've learned that The Flower and Joe Louis Arena go together like Lamb and Tuna Fish. We've learned that when the Elitserien All-Stars are firing on all cylinders, that it's damn near impossible for the Pens to keep up. We've learned what a tremendous advantage the Elitserien All-Stars have when they're able to have the opportunity to match lines with the Pens, and by match lines I mean the ability to throw Zetterberg out there to shadow Sid.

There is really not that much breakdown of Game 5 to do, because frankly, the Pens got their asses kicked. Although Datsyuk had 2 assists, he didn't have that much of a difference in the outcome of the game. 2 assists from a guy who is a finalist for the Hart Trophy in a game where 5 goals were scored isn't all that impressive. The Pens were outplayed. After the second goal, the flood gates opened and the Pens took stupid penalty after stupid penalty. Not that it mattered much, because when you give the Elitserien All-Stars a 2-0 lead, you might as well just pack up and go home.

Point of note on the changing point of Game 5 (which shockingly did not occur when the puck was dropped) occurred with 21 seconds left in the First Period when Chris Kunitz was called for Goalie Interference on a play that has happened at least fifteen times by the Elitserien All-Stars. This play is the same thing a certain Elitserien All-Stars All-Star player has made a career of and has been doing all series, yes Tomas Holmstrom, we're looking at you. They consistently have a player in the crease screening The Flower on every possession, yet the Pens have failed to punish any Elitserien All-Stars players for this. Someone on the Pens needs to man up and clear out the crease for The Flower.

While some would say things look bleak for the Pens, the series is far from being over. Hopefully, coming home for Game 6 will be the boost the Pens need. With the home ice advantage it will be harder for Zetterberg to shadow Sid, which will hopefully open things up for Sid. Sid's looked infinitely better at home during this series then in Detroit. If the Pens play Game 6 the same way as Game 3 and Game 4, they can force a Game 7. And as anyone knows, in Game 7's, all bets are off. Let's hope it gets there.

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