Friday, July 31, 2009

The End of the Week Randomness Extravaganza!

The News (with Links)

As if T.O. didn't already have enough on his plate (or bowl), he's following the Doug Flutie's Buffalo Tradition with T.O's Breakfast Cereal. Right.

No more Wang. As if things couldn't be better right now for the Fucking Yankees, Chien-Ming Wang, he of the 1-6, 9.64 era, 2.02 whip is done for the year.

That Met's executive who took his shirt off and challenged Mets prospects to engage in fisticuffs? Yeah, he's unemployed now.

Some Red Sox players used steroids.

Alberto Contador won the Tour De France and teammate Lance Armstrong finished third. Contador responded by making fun of Lance. Lance responded by making fun of Contador. You see where this is going. Then, Lance ripped the streamers off Contador's bike and then Contador kicked Lance in the shin and called his mommy.

Fun week for the Family Brees. Although Mom and Son haven't gotten along in years, this week Momma Brees, Esquire decided to supply thousands of Fantasy Football Leagues with a solid team name "Chicksports Inc." while committing extortion and Drew himself toured Gitmo and enjoyed it. What?

The Links (with Links)

The 6 Most Badass Murder Weapons in the Animal Kingdom.

The 10 Worst Injury Excuses.

Random YouTube (and other) Video's of the Week

Marbury Eats Vaseline
More to come on this next week.

Shatner Reads Palin Tweets on Conan
Is there anything he can't do?

Reh Dogg "Why I Might Cry"
Your Culture of the Week, Courtesy of my buddy Stern who has an abnormally large head and they don't sell his hat size in stores.

A-Spray Commercial Ummmm...
A-Spray Commercial

Let's Get Sexy with Craig Robinson
Some of you might know him as Daryl from The Office, spits out solid bedroom advice.

Your YouTube Hall of Fame Nominee

Boom Goes the Dynamite

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