Friday, July 17, 2009

Nice Pants John Daly.

Take a look at the pants. Go ahead. Bask in their absurdity. Even Ian Poulter wouldn't try and pull pants like that off. But you know what, that's John Daly. Fans love him. Guys got two major championships. Two more than Montie. Two more than Sergio. One more than David Duval. One more than Mike Weir.

When I attended a practice round at The Masters this year with my dad, we were following Zach Johnson. Two thirty year olds were shooting the shit with him as he walked up the 6th hole. "Hey Zach, want to meet us at Hooters?", one of them shouted. Zach Johnson cracked a smile. "You know John Daly is already there.", the other one shouted. Zach Johnson couldn't hold it in and started cracking up. That's John Daly.

Over the years, John Daly has been one of the more recognizable golfers on tour, for better or worse, usually worse. So in honor of his awesome pants, and the fact that he's currently only 3 back during the second round at Turnberry, here are some quick John Daly highlights.

Claimed to have hit an 806 yard drive on an L.A. Airport runway.

Claimed he doesn't work out because they don't allow him to smoke in gyms.

Cut a country album.

Traveled from tournament to tournament in an RV.

Defended his health by saying "I believe nicotine plus caffeine equals protein".

Was married and divorced three times, the final marriage ending amid allegations his wife was having an affair with this douche.

Gambled quite a bit.

Went to Hooters quite a bit. Here, here, here, here, and here.

And that's all without bringing up his problems with alcohol. So yeah, that's John Daly. That's why he can wear pants like this and why he's arguably the third most popular player on the tour. When all is said and done, I think I get it.

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