Friday, July 10, 2009

Good Night and Good Luck Sonni Abatta, Mornings Won't Be the Same Without You.

Operation Shutdown doesn't aim to be average like every other misogynistic with random and pointless "Babe of the Week", "Hot Co-ed of the Month", "Anything Erin Andrews does", gimmicks. While we here at Operation Shutdown do appreciate such topics, it's just not a direction in which we aim to venture. (Although Intern Mike strongly disagrees with this). Frankly, we're aiming to be much classier.

The sad news we must face is that KDKA's morning anchor, Sonni Abatta, is leaving Pittsburgh to anchor the nightly news in Orlando. For the last six years, Sonni has been an integral part of the Pittsburgh family. Sonni was not just another pretty face (although she is adorable, especially in fur hats), Sonni had real, natural talent for news. A Pittsburgh native, she was one of our own. Whether she was a reporter on the scene, an anchor behind the desk in the morning, or allegedly dating or not dating Kris Beech, she was always a refreshing voice. Pittsburgh news will not be as strong Monday morning as it was for the last six years.

We at Operation Shutdown want to wish Sonni the best of luck as she moves on to anchor the nightly news at the Fox Affiliate in Orlando. We know Orlandoins (?) will enjoy their time with Sonni. At least now when us Pittsburghers vacation in Orlando, there will be a little part of Pittsburgh there. Sometimes, even the best of us have to make tough, difficult decisions. All we can do is be thankful for the time spent and hope that one day Sonni will be a part of our lives again.

KDKA's Slideshow Tribute to Sonni

Keep up with Sonni on Twitter

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